James Street School - We Love to Learn

Thank you for your interest in enrolling at James Street School


Prior to enrolling new entrant students we encourage parents to bring their children along for a series of pre enrolment visits. This enables parents and children to become familiar with the teacher, the classroom and school routines. The number of visits is flexible depending on your wishes and the needs of your child.

Visits are from 8.45am until after  morning tea at 10:50am on any day pre arranged with the class teacher. You must stay with your child during these visits.

On enrolment you are asked to provide some verification of your child's birth date - either a birth certificate or a passport is required, along with information about pre school attendance and vaccinations.

If you are new to town come along and meet us, get a feel for our school and talk to our staff and students about how we are "Growing  Great Learners" at James Street School.