www.studyladder.co.nz - online fun learning games related to current learning in class
www.e-ako.nzmaths.co.nz - basic facts learning and pathways
www.nzmaths.co.nz/families - ideas for families to learn and use maths at home
www.maoridictionary.co.nz - excellent online dictionary, type in English or Maori word to find the equivalent English or Maori word!
www.spellingcity.com - fun games to play to help you learn your weekly spelling words.
The Gruffalo: The famous Gruffalo story and activities
Scholastic: Magazines and other interesting activities
Into the book: A fantastic multi media website
Giggle Poetry: Funny poems for you to read!
Khan Academy: Academic Maths Website
Kids National Geographic: Learn about our world
NZ Maths: Learn maths together as a family (or have a go yourself!)